Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Bee-Loud Glade by Steve Himmer

What would you do if you were offered five million dollars to live in somebody's garden and be a hermit without saying a word for seven years?  Would you do it or not?  This is the the job offered to Finch, a man who used to work as a blogger for a company that manufactured plastic plants.  He found life not worthwhile and just stopped everything; until he found an offer on some spam he saw online which offered some work that was right up his alley.  He answered it and didn't expect anything in return... not until there was a knock at the door the following morning.

I won this book off The Next Best Book Blog and what I had to do to win it was to leave a comment of what I would do if I was not allowed to talk for seven years.  I was also invited to take part in a book/author discussion on Goodreads.  This was something I couldn't pass up and I've found it great fun and interesting to post what I've thought of the book as I've been reading it.  And this book is something I've found very easy to read as well.  Well worth looking into if you'd like something totally different to get into this Spring.

I haven't found much on Steve Himmer.  There's his blog and other information on him in the back of his most recent book.  However, that's about it.  So, I'll put his blog up on the side bar and you can have a look at it at your leisure.

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