Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Meaning of Liff by Douglas Adams & John Lloyd

What can I say about a book that's made me laugh and snort all the way through it while it has no real plot or anything to tell?  Not much.  This wonderful little book on the alternate meanings of towns, cities and words in the English language is hilariously funny and set out in dictionary form; just to make it easier for us to use.  There's also maps inside of where these towns/cities are so you know they're real.  The best thing is that the funniest man I have read co-authored this book with another I haven't heard of (I know that sounds terrible, but really I haven't) and yet I still loved taking this book down from one of my friend's shelves whenever I visited and opening it at any page just for a giggle.

If you'd like to get your hands on this book, I'm not really sure where you could buy it as I've never seen another copy - and besides I'm looking for a copy for myself to giggle over at odd times of the night when I can't sleep.  Until my next post, happy reading.

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