Saturday, July 14, 2012

'The Zodiac Library: Libra' by Derek & Julia Parker

Are you typical of your Star Sign?  Am I?  Well, apparently in this book I am a typical Libran - as I am one - and that's not all.  This old-style, well-researched book is a tell-all record of exactly what a Libran is like right from childhood, to teenager, adult, being in love, workmate, during courtship, marriage, what kind or Mum/Dad they'll make - well, everything you'd want to know about how us Librans would work.
And the best thing about this book is that there are eleven others on the other Star Sign around that are set out exactly the same; so there's no big mystery about what we are all like.

Mum gave me this book she found while looking through the many books at Uncle Allan's house.  He was a Libran; and she thought that seeing I love to read anything about my star sign, I'd like it.  I got a good giggle out of it and will still enjoy it off and on - as I don't read these books all the way through, but pick bits and pieces out of them, using them like a reference book.  These books are well worth tracking down and looking for.

I have tracked down a site for you all to have a look at about Derek and Julia Parker.  It's a very interesting one and has a list of all the books they've worked on individually and together as writers and editors.  So, I thought to put the link here - and on the sidebar - and let you have a look at it a your leisure.  Until my next post, happy reading!

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