Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Books! Books! Books!

This time of the year is the worse time for me; but it's also the best time.  It's the time of year where I've gotten all my Christmas gifts all wrapped up and under the tree just waiting for the big day - or better known as The Orgy of Greed in my family - and all the shows I usually watch have all wrapped up for the year.  
I've also organised my grocery shopping to the tiniest detail so that if I ever do have to go out into the massive crowds again, it's for certain things; then I rush home again.  How I detest going out into the crowds just to get such things as eggs or bread or deodourant; just because I forgot it last time.
But this time of the year also gives me plenty of time to catch up on any reading I've left unfinished.  Seeing there's sappy Christmas movies that have been put on each and every year (and usually I have them on dvd and watch them when I feel like it) and I've ended up turning off the television at around 8pm or so at night now, I've found that I'm heading off to bed at around 10pm where I'm reading in the still, breezeless heat of the night.  Yep, it's been very hot lately and not good weather to sleep.  So, what I do is catch a nice cool shower, wash my hair and read until late; or until it cools off a little at around 1am.  And I've caught up with some serious reading of late.  So far, I've caught up with 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens - which is a novella that I've been nibbling at for about two weeks; and I only finished it last night or the night before.  And over the weekend, I picked up a cute little book titled: 'The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones' put out by Pocket Books.  I loved the films and totally loved this book.  It took me an hour and half to read and its stories twisted and turned just like a real journal.  Now, I'm reading another little book called 'The Christmas Quilt' that Mum gave me.  She said it was just a sweet little story about somebody who lost the Christmas spirit and quilts and art; and she thought I'd like to read it.  So, I'm up to chapter two in it - and they're huge chapters - of the five chapter book.  I've also begun to read 'Life of Pi' - not because of the movie coming out, but because I've had the book on my shelf for so long and would like to get through it at some point.  

So, what have you been reading lately; seeing we've all got time to finally sit down and catch our breath before the real rush of Christmas begins.  You know what I mean!  When family arrives and the real silly season takes place.  Until my next post, happy reading!    


  1. I just finished my 100th read of the year!! A nice milestone for me as the past few years I've only aimed for 52 reads a year....

    I just returned home from a 3 week vacation with my hubby on December 9th. We took a Panama Canal Cruise and visited 5 different countries during that time. This was a celebration of our 10 year wedding anniversary and our vacation was a blast.

    So, in addition to prepping for the holidays, I've been getting back into the groove of everyday life after our vacation! You, unpacking and putting clothes, toiletries, and souvenirs, not to mention laundry, grocery shopping, and reading the build up of mail, bill paying and so on. There were times last week when I felt like I needed a vacation from my vacation!

    Anyway, it's all good and am happy to report that life has returned to normal around our home.

    1. 100 reads! Wow! Way to go with that milestone! I've never gotten past 26 books in a year... seeing I'm an artist and have so many other things going on in my life, I just can't sit down and read as much as other people. I do try though; and I find that I read more than most people in my family.

      You vacation sounds like it was brilliant!

    2. Yes, our vacation was a lot of fun. We'd never been on one that long before. We enjoyed visiting Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, & Colombia. We took coffee tours in both Costa Rica & Guatemala. We loved the aerial tram in a rainforest in Panama and saw toucans in the wild! Cartagena, Colombia was scorching hot, but very beautiful! The Walled City was my favorite part of visiting Cartagena. Our tour guide even pointed out the home of Gabriel Garcia Marquez while on our tour.

      I also managed to wild release some books registered on Bookcrossing while on vacation. One in Panama and the rest on our cruise ship. None of them have been journaled yet though.
